Sabtu, 16 Nopember 2019, Magister Teknik Elektro mengundang Tamu spesial, yaitu Rudi Lumanto, M.Eng, Ph.D, beliau merupakan Ketua Id-SIRTII/CC (Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure/Coordination Center). Id-SIRTII/CC memiliki tugas pokok melakukan sosialisasi dengan pihak terkait tentang IT security (keamanan sistem informasi), melakukan pemantauan dini, pendeteksian dini, peringatan dini terhadap ancaman terhadap jaringan telekomunikasi dari dalam maupun luar negeri khususnya dalam tindakan pengamanan pemanfaatan jaringan, membuat/menjalankan/mengembangkan dan database log file serta statistik keamanan Internet di Indonesia. Kuliah Tamu ini berdurasi 2 jam dengan tema “Emerging Technology in Cyber Security”.
Author: admin
Kuliah Tamu | Dr. Sigit Puspito Wigati Jarot, M.Sc
Pada hari Sabtu, 21 september 2019, Magister Teknik Elektro Kedatangan Tamu spesial, yaitu Dr. Sigit Puspito Wigati Jarot, M.Sc, beliau merupakan Dewan Pengawas Harian Masyarakat Telematika Indonesia (Mastel), Ketua Bidang 5G dan IOT serta Pengajar di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Terpadu Nurul Fikri. Kuliah Tamu ini berdurasi 2 jam dengan tema “Peluang Riset 5G and Beyond di Perguruan Tinggi”.
Kalender Akademik 2019/2020
Benchmarking | International Islamic University Malaysia
Pada 27 Agustus 2019, Keluarga Besar Teknik ELektro Universitas Mercu Buana melakukan benchmarking dengan mengunjungi Centre for Unmanned Technologies (CUTe) di International Islamic University Malaysia. Mereka sedang melakukan penelitian tentang Smart Driver Assistance System.
Visitasi Akreditasi Magister Teknik Elektro 2019
Pada tanggal 23 – 25 April 2019, Magister Teknik Elektro menerima kunjungan Asesmen Lapangan dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi, yang di wakili oleh Tim Asesor : 1. Eniman Yunus Syamsuddin, Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D (ITB) 2. Fransisco Danang Wijaya, Dr. Eng., ST., MT., D.Eng. (UGM)…
Outbond 2019
Outbond Team Building Training 2019 Activity : Team Building, Leadership, Communication, Innovation, Synergy, Togetherness. On Feb 2nd – 3rd, 2019, for the first time we participated on outbound activity that has been held at Bukit Palem Resort, Cikretek, Bogor. This activity was attended by 4 graduated programs, namely Master of Accounting, Master of Management, Master of Electrical Engineering and Master of Civil Engineering.
IEEE – Distinguished Lecturer | Dr. -Ing. Markus Gardill, from InnoSenT and Universitaet Erlangen Nuernberg, Germany
Distinguished Microwave Lecturer Dr. -Ing. Markus Gardill, from InnoSenT and Universitaet Erlangen Nuernberg, Germany, delivered a talk on “Automotive Radar” on 15 October 2018. He talked about the automotive megatrends, Automotive Sensor Technology and Advanced Signal Processing. The talk was hold in Auditorium Prof. Harun Zain at Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, and almost 100 students, alumnae from the industry and lecturers attended the talk. …
IEEE – Distinguished Lecturer | Dr. Charles Campbell, Qorvo Engineering, Texas, USA
Distinguished Microwave Lecturer On 13 October 2018, Dr. Charles Campbell, Qorvo Engineering, Tx, USA, visited Universitas Mercu Buana. He gave a talk on “Gallium Nitride Power MMICs” and “Design of Modern Microwave Amplifiers”. This talk is initiated by the IEEE Society in Microwave Theory and Techniques as program of Distinguished Microwave Lecturers (DML). Around eighty students, alumnae and lecturers attended the talk. …
Alumni’s Talk | Mr. Ahmad Firdausi
Pada tanggal 12 Mei 2018, jam 12.30 sampai 15.00, MTE mengundang Ahmad Firdausi ST MT untuk mengisi acara Alumni’s Talk. Tema kali ini tentang perancangan antena berbantuan simulasi komputer dan pengukurannya.
Benchmarking | Beijing Institute of Technology, Lenovo and Renaissance Hotel, China
On May 8 morning, 17 delegations from Universitas Mercu Buana visited our school. Director of International Student Center – Wang Ying, Associate Director of ISC – Zhao Kun, Vice Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering – Xi Junqiang, Vice Dean of School of Automation – Sun Jian, Vice Dean of School of Computer Science and Technology – Niu Zhendong, Vice Director of School of Management and Economics – Yan Zhijun, and Vice Director of School of Design and Art – Ji Yong met the delegations at the International Student Center. Ms. Wang Ying welcomed the delegations. She stated that the two schools have established good cooperative relations since 2011. In the following years, both schools have exchanged visits and reached some program, such as student exchange, undergraduate dual degree program and master program. Currently, they have established undergraduate dual degree program in computer science, electrical engineering and industrial design. There are 29 students in computer science, 2 students in electrical engineering and 5 students in industrial design. 12 postgraduates were trained. On September, 4 new students will come to continue their study, including 6 young teachers. Mr. Hadri Mulya, Vice Director of Academic, Cooperation and Student Affair of Universitas mercu Buana expressed his gratitute to Ms. Wang Ying for her intoduction. The delegations are heads of school and lecturers postgraduate program from Accounting, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Communication Science, Management and Mecanical Engineering. Through discussion with the representatives of Beijing Institute of Technology, they will further expand the undergraduate programs, promote the possibility of double degree of master program and explore the teaching management models. After the discussion, the delegations visited the library of our school, experienced the system of books retrieval, and praised the library’s convenience. At the same time, the delegations also visited our school’s mechanical vehicle “Unmanned vehicle” in School of Information and Electronic science research exhibition laboratory. Beside of unmanned vehicle system, sensor system and other questions, they said our school’s scientific research capability has reached the world class level. The visit has deepen the cooperation between the two schools and made good progress in international talent training and academic exchanges, in response to the national “all Along” initiative.