Welcome to our big families! 😀 The photo is taken on Sunday, 8 March 2015…
Author: admin
Seminar on Microwave and Antenna Propagation 2014
On September 25, 2014, we held a Microwave Antena and Propagation Seminar. Joint and welcome to the Seminar, open for all academicians, professional, and students.
IEEE- Distinguished Lecturer | Dr. Rath Vannithamby from Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, USA
5G – Evolution and Candidate Technologies Again, an expert in Telecommunication engineering visited the Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, and talked about next opportunities to improve the quality and capacity of our wireless systems. On August, 26 2014, Dr. Rath Vannithamby, Intel Labs, gave a very interesting talk about 5G. …
IEEE – Distinguished Lecturer | Prof. Sureswaran Ramadass, Director of the National Advanced IPv6 Centre of Excellence (NAV6) from Universiti Sains Malaysia
On January 25, 2014, Prof. Sureswaran Ramadass, Director of the National Advanced IPv6 Centre of Excellence (NAV6) at Universiti Sains Malaysia, gave a lecture on basics of IPv6 at our department. …
Vector Network Analyzer ZVL 13
Department of Electrical Engineering recently received an equipment grant from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) in form of a Vector Network Analyzer which is able to measure scattering parameters up to 13.6 GHz. This instrument completes the available capabilities of the Telco Lab at UMB to offer the researchers and students to develop researchs. …
IEEE – Distinguished Lecturer | Prof. Ekram Hossain from University of Manitoba Canada
On August 28, 2013. Prof. Ekram Hossain, University of Manitoba Canada, visited The Department of Electrical Engineering. …
Postdoc at TU Muenchen
From November to December 2012, Dr.-Ing. Mudrik Alaydrus had the opportunity to stay at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen as Postdoc researcher. He visited Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Eibert at the Lehrstuhl fuer Hochfrequenztechnik, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.